
New Automatic Chicken Door Motor
Although there are thousands of different motors available on the market and dozens if not hundreds of motor manufacturers, selecting a good motor for our automatic chicken door has been quite a challenge. Over the past 5 years, we have used 2 different motors in our automatic chicken doors.
Best Automatic Chicken Door Operating Method

As you may already know, installing an automatic chicken door in your chicken coop can be beneficial to you and your chickens, but what is the best method for automatically opening and closing your coop door?

DIY Automatic Chicken Door - Part 2 - Electronics

In our previous DIY Automatic Chicken Door article, we gave you access to detailed plans for building the wooden cabinet, door and motor – door controller housing.

In this article, our intent is to provide information and designs for the electronics-based components in your DYI Automatic Chicken Door.

DIY Automatic Chicken Door - Part 1

In this article, we’re going to provide all the information that you need to build your own Automatic Chicken Coop Door.

Keeping Your Chickens Safe, Happy and Comfortable During Winter
If your chickens live in an area which tends to experience moderate to harsh winters, it is important to be mindful of how conditions which prevail during winter can affect them.
How to Ensure Your Chickens are Safe from Nighttime Predators

There is a long list of nighttime predators that would love to get into your coop at night and eat or kill your chickens.  This is a challenge if you want to allow your chickens to free range because it means that you will need to open your coop door to let your chickens out during the day. 

New and Improved Automatic Chicken Coop Door - Shipping Now
Based on the success of the power boost module on our solar operated doors, we began installing them on all doors...More recently, our woodshop manager engineered a solution to a problem which was affecting about 1% of the doors...
Our Automatic Coop Door Quality Commitment

In this post, you will learn how our commitment to quality has shaped multiple aspects of our manufacturing operations.

You’ll read a quick background and history and then brief descriptions of changes which we have integrated into our manufacturing and operations.

Which Treats are Okay for Your Flock?

As with all animals, there are some foods that are fit for human consumption that may be dangerous to your chickens’ health. Today, we’ll take a look at some of the goods that are great for your flock and which ones you should simply take to the compost bin.

Keep Your Flock Laying With These Tips
The most common reason that people establish chicken coops, whether in a backyard, or out on a farm, is to get a regular supply of eggs. When the hens stop laying, the investment often feels like a waste of time...
Don't Let the Summer Heat Hurt Your Chickens!
Summer is here with a vengeance, and many parts of the country are experiencing record high temperatures and intense dry spells. While you may be able to retreat into an air conditioned home to cool down after doing yard work,...
5 Myths About Keeping Chickens
It seems like there are a never-ending supply of myths about keeping backyard chickens. If you’re thinking about setting up a chicken coop, you’ve probably already heard a good number of them. Today, we’ll take a look at 5 of...
What do Chickens Teach Kids?

Sadly, not everyone is fortunate enough to have livestock right outside their front door, but more and more people are starting to invest in backyard chicken coops, creating their own urban farming paradise right in the heart of the city.

7 Tips to Keep Your Chickens Safe

Keeping your chickens safe is one of our top priorities at Coop Tender. That’s why we put so much effort into designing an automatic chicken coop door, built to keep your chickens in and the predators out. If you’re like us, you let your chickens roam the yard during the day. While this does wonders for their morale, it places them at risk to predators. Here are a few tips to keep your chickens safe outside the coop.

Predator Detection at its Finest
Our Predator Motion Detection Module uses an infrared light detector to view objects in the darkest conditions. Anything that gives off body heat will be visible to the motion detector. Should a predator come close to your coop, the motion detector will pick up the movement and send a notification to your smartphone.
Tips for First-Time Chicken Owners

Raising chickens is a rewarding and fulfilling activity. As a first-time chicken owner, you will likely make a few mistakes along the way. We’ve put together a few tips to help you transition from first-time chicken owner to successful chicken coop manager.

We Support Humane Farming Methods

We believe that every animal should be able to live a happy, healthy life and our feathered friends are no different. Here’s a bit of background on Certified Humane.

5 Reasons Chickens Make Great Pets

While it may not be practical to keep cows, goats, and other large animals in your backyard, adding a chicken coop can be a simple way to introduce your family to urban farming.

The Difference Between Free-Range, Organic, and Cage-Free Chickens

If you’ve purchased eggs recently, you’ve likely noticed an increase in options available at the supermarket. The differences between organic, free-range, and cage-free chickens can be difficult to understand with the limited amount of information available on the egg cartons. Today, we’ll examine those terms to help you better understand the ways chickens are raised before their eggs make it to the market.

Protect Your Coop from Raccoons!

While many residential areas won’t have to worry about predation from coyotes, snakes, and foxes, urban farms face their own set of challenges. Raccoons, in particular, pose a significant risk to you

Benefits of an Automatic Chicken Coop Door

If you are new to the chicken world, welcome! You’ll soon find that an automatic chicken coop door is the best way to ensure your girls are safe and secure while making your life easier.