Automatic Chicken Coop Door Information Blogs

We Support Humane Farming Methods

We believe that every animal should be able to live a happy, healthy life and our feathered friends are no different. Here’s a bit of background on Certified Humane.

5 Reasons Chickens Make Great Pets

While it may not be practical to keep cows, goats, and other large animals in your backyard, adding a chicken coop can be a simple way to introduce your family to urban farming.

The Difference Between Free-Range, Organic, and Cage-Free Chickens

If you’ve purchased eggs recently, you’ve likely noticed an increase in options available at the supermarket. The differences between organic, free-range, and cage-free chickens can be difficult to understand with the limited amount of information available on the egg cartons. Today, we’ll examine those terms to help you better understand the ways chickens are raised before their eggs make it to the market.

Protect Your Coop from Raccoons!

While many residential areas won’t have to worry about predation from coyotes, snakes, and foxes, urban farms face their own set of challenges. Raccoons, in particular, pose a significant risk to you

Benefits of an Automatic Chicken Coop Door

If you are new to the chicken world, welcome! You’ll soon find that an automatic chicken coop door is the best way to ensure your girls are safe and secure while making your life easier.

Automatic Chicken Coop Door Manufacturing Updates

Since the introduction of Coop Tender Automatic Chicken Coop Door in 2014, we continue to improve our product.  We listened to our customers and through research, design and engineering, are now offering our next generation of Chicken Coop Door Automatic.

Automatic Chicken Coop Door - Zeitgeist Principles

Most commercial product manufacturers today are required to generate profits for their investors.  Under this scenario, it is impossible to provide a product which does not become obsolete almost immediately (planned obsolescence).  The manufacturing process itself is often non-sustainable in these scenarios.

Automatic Chicken Coop Door Drive Mechanisms
A major considerations when selecting an automatic chicken coop door is the mechanical process used to open and close your coop door.  There are many ingenious designs ranging in methods including cables and pulleys, gears and Rube Goldberg automatic chicken coop doors like this...